This is the 4th installment of the book The Lebanese Connection: Corruption,
Civil War and the International Drug Traffic, by Jonathan Marshall.
The book is published by Stanford Press and is banned in Lebanon. These short
summaries are intended to shed some light on what the Lebanese authorities
would like to keep away from the public: the probable involvement of many of
the Lebanese politicians in the illicit drug trade. This matter ought to be
investigated and the concerned clans should be held accountable at a minimum
politically. They must not be re elected to a public office since they have
done everything to betray the public trust. If the Lebanese public chooses to
ignore all of the evidence about the probable involvement of its leaders in
criminal activities on a global scale then that is their privilege. But by
doing so they would have helped paint a picture of their beliefs, interests and
values, values that are inimical to a diverse, democratic and just society.
The following précis of chapter 4 shows the rise of militias,
inability of the Lebanese Army and government to hold anyone accountable and a
Palestinian wave after wave of migration into Lebanon after the 1967
Arab-Israeli war. As the tension grew the parties fought each other and each
sought arms at any price including that derived from illicit means. What I find
to be fascinating is that the Phalange party was the first to defy the
government, to offer protection to the Christians whom it viewed as aggrieved,
to establish a state within a state and to deal ruthlessly with whoever dared
challenge it. The above begs for two questions to be asked:
Did the Phalange militia then play a similar
kind of a role to what the military wing of Hezbollah is doing today?
If all of these troubles in Lebanon and even
Syria and Jordan can be strongly linked to the Six Day War then isn’t it time
to reevaluate the real outcome of that war? Was it the smashing victory that it
often is portrayed to be?
The Lebanese civil war had many reasons; chief amongst them was
the Christian-Palestinian tension. The intensity of this tension was pulled to
the point of breaking by the catastrophic military defeat of the Arab armies of
Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The Lebanese army refused to engage the Israeli IDF
although the Prime minister wanted to.
The territorial losses of the conflict were the Sinai, the
Golan Heights and the West Bank. The biggest impact on Lebanon was the loss of
East Jerusalem and the West Bank which drove another wave of Palestinian
refugees to join those that arrived less than twenty years earlier. The newly
arriving Palestinians poured into the poorly equipped camps in and around
Beirut and the rest of the country. The wretched conditions of life in the
camps became more difficult. These teeming masses presented a challenge to the
local authorities and to the Lebanese army in particular who had no interest in
getting into a fight with the larger, and vastly better equipped and trained
Israelis. The Palestinians however intensified their challenge to the Lebanese
government who signed the Cairo accords in 1969 declaring the camps as self
governing areas in Lebanon.
This already
combustible circumstance was made even worse with the Jordanian operation of
Black September in 1970. King Hussein fought the Palestinian commandos in
Jordan and forced them to flee. Most came to the already crowded and
debilitated Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.
“The Phalangists began to make it their mission to oppose
Palestinian commandos” during 1970 according to Winslow. Some of these
confrontations were purely drug related although many more were related to the
substantial increase in the Palestinian military style operations launched from
Lebanese soil. The results were predictable: an Israeli raid on Lebanon on
March 1972, another during May of 1972 followed by one in September of the same
year in addition to the operation that assassinated PLO officials in Beirut
during April 1973. Yet bigger things were to come. The Palestinian operation in
Keryat Shemona and Ma’alat triggered an invasion of Lebanese territory in
January 1975 which led to a confrontation between the PFLP fighters and the
Lebanese Army.
It was in such an atmosphere of powerlessness by the state
that the Phalange militia stepped in. The vacuum created by the inability of
the government to interfere either against the Israelis, the Palestinian
commandos or the Phalange militia encouraged the formation of a multitude of
other independent and illegal militias: Chamoun of the NLP had his Tigers,
Jumblatt had his Druze militia of the PSP, president Frangieh formed his Marada,
Amal had its Shia fighters, The Syrian National Party had its own fighters as
did the Nasserites and the Tashnaq party. All of these fighters had to be paid
a monthly wage of $200 to $450 per month which was beyond the financial
capabilities of these local groups. This potential shortfall was resolved, as
is often the case, through foreign patronage and a greater dependence on the Drug
In the same way that the influx of Palestinian refugees into
Lebanon was caused primarily by events totally out of the control of Lebanon (the
Six Day War and then the Black September operation) the heroin trade was being substantially
transformed by events that Lebanon had no control over. Lebanese heroin had the
reputation of being the purest in the world and so it was sought after by
traffickers from all over the globe. Omar Makkouk, Sami Khourys’ chemist, was
supplying Allen-Rud of Miami who was reputed to have about 80 % of US
distribution under his command.
These conditions, however, were not to last. President Nixon
had waged his “war on Drugs”, convinced Turkey to clamp down on cultivation of
poppies and morphine production in addition to the cooperation of President
Pompidou in France who also marshaled more French resources to fight drug
traffickers. The net result of this was relentless pressure on drug dealers in
Marseille and a decline in heroin revenue in Lebanon. This new drug regime made
it easier for the Palestinians to get involved by offering their camps for the
consummation of drug deals away from the eyes of the Lebanese police. This new hierarchy led to many confrontations
between the Phalange militia and the Palestinian commandos such as the
Dikwaneh-Tal-Zatar clashes that aggravated the relationship between the
fighters. But yet the militias had to generate adequate revenues to purchase
the arms and to pay the wages for their members that numbered in the 1000’s.
This conundrum was resolved through illegal ports for drug exports and the illegal
imports of all sorts of goods.
The fight to control ports became the trigger for the
Lebanese civil war. A firm; Protein; was awarded the right to control fishing
at Sidon. But Protein was a Chamoun outfit whose Tigers “earned a reputation
for undisputed thugery… (and) its job was aiding the Chamoun family business
empire and protecting its smuggling rackets”. This decision led to
street demonstrations and the shooting death of Marouf Sa’ad and was reversed.
The next day the increased tension between the antagonists worsened as the
Phalangists mowed down 27 Palestinians in response to 2 Phalangists that were
murdered earlier.
These tragic events led to demonstrations and counter
demonstrations and militia rule all across the country. This chaotic set up
also encouraged the Israelis to launch two attacks one in May 1975 and the
other in August 1975. Obviously both were not opposed by the Lebanese army
whose impotence encouraged disintegration of the country into fiefdoms and road
bloc executions based on the ID card religious affiliation. Lebanon had become
the theater of operations of Gaddafi, GCC, Israel, CIA and all sort of “wing
groups … (that) began to arm by night”. Soviet arms poured in from Latakia,
Syria as well as Tyre, Sidon and Tripoli. Not to be outdone the right-wing
militias purchased arms from Western Europe with funds supplied by the GCC. The
Christian militias in particular were looking for further funds and so “in return for drugs European smugglers reportedly provided arms via
Zurich, Berne and Hamburg”.
A major figure in these deliveries was Sarkis Soghanlian, a
Syrian Armenian, who grew up in Lebanon, served in the French Army and was
married to an American in Beirut. You can’t get more cosmopolitan than that. The
efforts by Mr. Soghanlian, the largest arms broker in the world, to supply the
Lebanese right –wing militias were also augmented by those of Samuel Cummings,
Adnan Khashoggi, other CIA operatives and the state of Israel. Weapons from all
over the world and of all levels of sophistication were pouring in through the
illegal ports. All were paid for either through direct gifts or through illegal
activities that were primarily drug based. By September 1975 “The Maronite militias killed one another for control of the
port of Beirut… they fought for the hashish trade and for the right to rob … (a)
particular bank”. Lebanon had fallen
as low as a state could fall.
Mr. Karam/Prof. Karam
That last quote is very telling about the culture that has enveloped Lebanon. The Maronites, and I am one of them, have destroyed Lebanon because they still think that they own it. Not much has changed. Just listen to the occasional clueless comments of the current Patriarch who pretends that he is not interested in politics when everything that he says has political implications. Is the Lebanon doomed, I wonder.
@Maronite (non practising) - why such a selective reading of history?
Who said it was the Maronites who destroyed Lebanon??
It is not for me to read into the mind of the Maronite (non practicing) but the Maronite church has not played a very constructive role in moving Lebanon to a secular state. The insistence on religious quotas is arguably one of the most discriminatory policies that a state can adopt. The salvation of Lebanon is in cultivating a sense of citizenship that is not subservient to religious affiliation.
I would agree the Maronite church has not played a constructive role in moving the country towards secularism, but to say the Maronites were responsible for the destruction of Lebanon is a step too far.
Every sect - and this also includes outside players - has to shoulder some sort of responsibility in the destruction of Lebanon.
Absolutely. Every sect and every group in Lebanon is to blame. There is no doubt about that.
My position on this, I have discussed it many a time in the past, is that the Maronite Church is currently witnessing the demographic decline of its membership and so if for nothing else but that it could help indirectly its members and perform a great service to the state if it would withdraw from the public square.The withdrawal does not need be abrupt but could be phased out over a period of time.
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