Whether one shares the ideas and beliefs of Mr. Hassan or not is not an issue today. What is at stake is whether human dignity, personal freedom and the right of individuals matter or not. What is at stake today is the soul of a nation that has been practically suffocated over the past 30 years or so. It is up to us to decide whether we value decency and the rule of law because if we do then we have no excuse except to shout from the roof tops that the emperor has no clothes. Today we are all Wissam Al Hassan
It is clear that the killers of Wissam Al Hassan are probably the same ones that had killed Gibran Tueini. In both cases both men were outside the country and were blown up within hours of their arrival in Lebanon. The above is a solid circumstantial evidence about the high level of planning and the inside information that is available to the assassins. That the assassins are well connected is not a mystery and their potential allegiances and associations can also be easily deduced. We know that they are not connected to March 14, the Jumblatt bloc or any of the other small independent groups. This implies that the suspects of these heinous and egregious acts probably enjoy strong ties to the Syrian regime, or any of the March 8 political bloc could have had access to the information about the travel plans of Mr. Hassan and the ability to act on it. I am sure that some of the political groups within March 8 will proclaim their innocence but before they rush to do so they have to be reminded that they are guilty even if they did not pull the trigger. They are guilty because they had lent support and cover to murders and to those that do not believe in democracy. It is crucially important not to forget that Mr. Al Hassan presented a threat to the four indicted conspirators in the Hariri assassination and that one of his young staff members has also been assassinated. One must also not forget the important pivotal role that Mr. Hassan has played in derailing the string of planned assassinations by Mr. Michael Samaha who was acting on direct orders from the highest level of Syrian officials, possibly including the president Bashar Assad who is not satisfied in spreading tyranny and fear among the Syrians but who also harbors visions about destabilizing Lebanon and the region.
We have a duty to stand on hilltops and to shout that the emperor has no clothes. Enough is enough. We will not be cowed any longer and we will not be a party to our own demise. This cabinet must go, elections must be held and the Lebanese people have to vote their conscience.
Lebanon is as close to dysfunctional as it can get. The string of assassinations, always of supporters of one party, is nothing but an attempt to continue control by fear. Saad Hariri, as ineffective as he has proven to be, might have been also one of the people to whom this message was adressed.
Hi Ghassan,
Apologies if this is off topic, but it is relevant to Lebanon nontheless. The world economic forum has released its gender inequality report and as expected Lebanon performed abysmally. What did shock me however was how terrible Lebanon ranks when compared to countries like Kuwait and Iran. Here is the report http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GenderGap_Report_2012.pdf
Thanks for the link. I will definitely look at the report tomorrow and compare its results with those of the HDI that is based on gender.
BTW, it is always such a pleasure to hear from you. Hope all is well.
I hope that you will get a chance to see this brief message. I have visited the WEF site and read the Gender Gap Index. It is different than the one compiled by the UN. I might do a post on this this evening and so spare me from having to repeat myself :-) Thanks for the link, if for nothing else I will mention this in many of my classes :-)
No worries! I enjoyed reading your post - I have been too busy and essentially disenfranchised to blog in the last couple of years but some issues -- like this one --are just too much.
PS: I hope everything is ok. Sandy looks pretty bad.
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