Judged by practically every single ranking in the world Arab
countries in general do not rank very high;
neither when measured by the HDI (Human
Development Index) nor when measured by the Democracy Index, the Corruption Index
or that of Failed State. Why is that so? If you ask Arabs most will never tire
of recounting the fact that Algebra, Medicine and Philosophy were the most
developed in the world about 1200 years ago by Arab speaking scholars and
Moslem believers. They have a point. The relatively common explanation of “backwardness’
in terms of language, geographical location , natural resources and religion
does not stand the rigors of serious investigations. So what is it that makes
nations fail? In a relatively new book that has become an instantaneous
reference on the subject the two authors James Robinson of Harvard and his
colleague Daron Acemoglu from MIT suggest that ultimately it is institutions,
social, economic and political. They describe at length, in “Why Nations Fail”,
the divergent development of North and South Korea, two countries inhabited by
the same people who speak the same language and share the same peninsula. One
of them has become one of the most vibrant economies in the world while the
other is one of the poorest. It is clear that this offers as close to a laboratory
experiment in the social field as one can imagine. One country was split into two;
one adopted an open democratic system and free enterprise while the other opted
for state planning and a command economy. The former prospered while the latter
stagnated. What are the lessons in this to the Arab world? Create institutions
that value personal freedom and liberty, encourage education and risk taking by
offering protection of personal property i.e. Encourage responsible citizenship
and educated population that does not fear failure since that is the dynamic
force behind innovation. Creative destruction is not a phrase to be feared as
much as an idea to be embraced.
Unfortunately each of the above basic attributes of this
modern society that can keep reinventing itself and moving forward rests on
education and on an open mind above everything else. This is our failure in the Arab
world. In many of our countries the literacy rate is rather low and even then
it is barely above 6-8 years of education. Combine that with the dominant
culture of a traditional society , a culture that does not question the reasons
for the way things are but merely accepts the status quo for what it is and you
get the conditions for stagnation, lack of research and entrepreneurship.
The above is not based on speculation but facts as collected
, catalogued and presented by a prestigious research center, Arab thought
Foundation. Its latest report reveals the damning evidence that Arabs, in general
do not read, do not study and do not do research in any meaningful way. The
figures are astonishingly alarming as the following will illustrate.
The average Arab child reads only 6 minutes a year compared
to the 12000 by the Western counterpart. The average Arab adult reads the
equivalent of a quarter of a page each year compared to the 11 books read by the
American and the 7 books read by a resident of the UK. Such results should not
be surprising when very few if any of our villages, towns and cities have
public libraries and when the 4.5 million Lebanese buy every day less than
100,000 newspapers. It is rare to visit
an Arab home that has a bookshelf of current books besides the Quran or
possibly the Bible. When we complain, as we must, that even in nominally
democratic Lebanon, citizens do not vote for ideas as much as traditional feudalistic
leadership, we must not forget that very few of the citizens have had the
opportunity to read and learn about different ideas and different ways of
As bad as the above might be in preventing the rise of
responsible government it pales in significance when compared to the utter lack
of interest that our society shows in research and experiments. Arab countries
on the average devote 0.2% of their GDP to scientific research when countries
such as Sweden and Japan spend 17 times more; 3.4%. This lack of interest in
science is also seen in the number of researchers per 1 million citizens. The
highest such ratio in the Arab world is found in Egypt: 650 researchers out of
every 1 million people when South Korea has 4600 researchers for every 1
million Korean.
And the lack of performance goes on. It can be seen clearly in
the rankings of the top 500 universities in the worlds according to the
University of Shanghai, the most popular such ranking. Only 2 Arab universities
make the cut; King Saud University and the King Fahd University for Petroleum
and minerals. Alas all of these low rankings are reflected in something
concrete, the whole of the Arab world had registered only 475 patents all
across the world in the period of 2005-2009.
So what is the lesson if any? The dismal educational record
in addition to the lack of any interest in research manifested them in a rigid
dictatorial political system that is ripe for revolution. You cannot keep them
on the farm once they have seen Paris, as the US saying goes. The Arab Spring
should not have been a surprise in a society that has abused its citizens and
refused to let modern institutions develop. The Arab Spring is not over yet,
even if the Assad regime falls tomorrow. We still have to deal with the
rigidities of the GCC, Jordan and half of North Africa. Revolution is
inevitable, and if governments are smart then they can prevent the collective
pain or at least minimize it by modernizing and creating open institutions.
If any of you has the courage to read the full report (359
pages) then have a go at it:
Absolutely right!
Tnx Elias.
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