Sunday, June 27, 2010

Iranian Elections and hezbollah

There were many who reported last year that the Iranian theocracy used Hezbollah and Hamas imports in order to rough up the demonstrators in Tehran.

One popular Tweet , at the time, had the following to say: “"Iran rumor about Hezbolah & Hamas helping Basij, until today I never believed it but I saw them today with my own eyes". The same type of a rumour was also reported by the Jerusalem Post, The VOA and Der Speigel. I know that some of you are not ready to put much faith in these totally uncorroborated accounts and that is fair since one must not accept any grist from the rumour mill.

But when a respectable Iranian Professor at Indiana University ; Jamsheed Chosky; says

"We are hearing reports from Iranians in Tehran, Shiraz and Esfahan that Arabic-speaking militias are arriving. The vast majority of Iranians cannot speak any Arabic. It's very likely those Arab militia members are from Hezbollah and/or Hamas. Similar reports were consistently present during and right after the Islamic revolution of 1979, when Arab militants reinforced Iranian religious extremists after the revolution to ensure that no counter-revolts could occur.” Then the matter must be taken more seriously.

Yet that might not be enough for some skeptics until know. A new development regarding this issue has come to our attention. This evidence is so damning that it comes as close to a smoking gun as it can possibly be. A Professor at the American University of Beirut claims that a high ranking Hezbollah official has informed him that these rumours are true and that Hezbollah did airlift its “goons” ( my adjective) to Tehran in order to discipline those that dared speak against corruption and dictatorship. I have decided that it will be appropriate in this case to duplicate the exact e mail from this University Professor with only one deletion:

>My Hizbullah contact is... He is Hizbullah's.... I have known him for the past 12 years. ... He says Hizbullah had airlifted to tehran 300 men ato
>help in clamping down at the protyesters in the aftermath of Iran's
>presidential elections in June 2009. The Iranian riots police used an
>additional number of about 200 Hizbullah trainees at Lavizan training
>camp and Imam Ali garrison training grounds. Thjere are no Hizbullah
>men attached to Iranian security police at the time. Hizbullah men
>assisting Iranian police were mostly enlisted men with a few junior
>officers. Hizbullah men felt it was their duty to assist the Islamic
>Revolution and many others in Hizbullah would not have hesitated to go
>to Iran and lend their services to the regime. There is no doubt that
>Hizbullah would send men to Iran to perform security duties in the
>future should need arise.
>PS: Please do not use the name of my source since he gave me the
>information on the basis of confidentiality and anonymity. You can use
>my name as the source of the information.

The above item is a very serious matter that demands a clear response from Hezbollah and the Lebanese authorities who have Hezbollah as a partner in government. Hezbollah has always been a rogue group with its own militia and its refusal to abide by the law of the land or even the accepted political tradition of having the majority form a government. Well they have blackmailed themselves into a position where they are part of government and they always use their ill gotten veto power to have it both ways; be members of the cabinet when it suits them and oppose the state when it is to their advantage. They have created a hybrid government that is best described as a modern reincarnation of the Tower of Babel.

Hezbollah must come clean. They do not have the luxury to be an official part of the Lebanese cabinet and yet export their hooligans to different countries. Can you imagine the outcry if their counterparts in Lebanon had as much as dared voice support for say the demonstrators in say Kuwait or Tehran for that matter. It is true that “ Whenever there is smoke there is fire” but this does not mean that there is no need for a thorough investigation to ascertain the real source of the smoke. Many different incidents pointing to an illegal Hezbollah role in the affairs of other countries have taken place over the past few years to be easily dismissed. Hezbollah has not denied its primary allegiance to the Grand Ayatollah of Qom and many events point to the fact that Hezbollah will stop at nothing in order to promote the interests of Qom. A thorough investigation of the above allegations is called for since if proven true then it is time to admit that such behavior is to be expected only from an extension of the Basij, Lebanese interests be damned.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share with you this gem from Nayla Tueni about the issue of Civil Rights for Palestinian refugees. Shame.

الاستقواء الفلسطيني على لبنان

قرأت قبل يومين مقالا يروي فيه فلسطيني أميركي معاناته لاستئجار منزل في لبنان، وكيف انه يتفوق قليلا على اقرانه ومواطنيه لانه يحمل جواز سفر اجنبيا. ويضيف متحدثا عن عنصرية اللبناني تجاه الفلسطيني اولا، ومن ثم تجاه العمال الاجانب.
من حق الفلسطينيين ان ينعموا بحياة رفاه وطمأنينة لم تتوافر لهم في ارضهم ولا في الاراضي العربية حيث يقيمون، فحركتهم مقيدة في مصر، وقد عانوا الامرين في الاردن، وطردوا من الكويت، وهم مراقبون بدقة في سوريا التي تؤثر في حركتهم الجسدية والسياسية، اي انهم يعانون التمييز في معظم الدول العربية، لكنهم لا يتجرأون على الكلام عن اوضاعهم الا في لبنان، لا لان معاناتهم اكبر، وهذا صحيح نسبيا، بل لانهم يدرون في قرارة انفسهم انهم لن يحاسبوا على كلامهم وكتاباتهم، ولن يتم حجزهم في المطار او على الحدود البرية، لان في لبنان حرية لم يعرفوها ولم يعيشوها مذ طردوا من ارضهم.
حاول الفلسطينيون عيش حريتهم – الفوضى على ارض لبنان، وحجبوا عن اللبنانيين حقوقهم في التعبير وفي حرية التنقل والاقامة وغيرها، وبدل ان يسعوا الى تحرير ارضهم وبلادهم، عملوا لاقامة الدولة البديلة وطريقها تعبر في جونيه لا على الحدود الجنوبية.
لا نريد نكء جراح الماضي كلما اثير الموضوع الفلسطيني، فالحق الانساني حقهم، وعلى لبنان السعي الجدي لتأمين بعض هذه الحقوق وفق الامكانات المتاحة التي لا تؤثر سلبا على مواطنيه.
لكن في المقابل، هل بذل الفلسطينيون جهودا لاثبات حسن النية تجاه لبنان؟ هل ضبطوا الارهاب في مخيم نهر البارد قبل ان يضطر الجيش لخوض اقسى معاركه ويبذل اكثر من مئة شهيد؟ هل سلموا مطلوبا للعدالة لجأ الى مخيم عين الحلوة؟ وهل منعوا ارهابيا من التسلل لتفجير محال تجارية في قرى شرق صيدا؟ وهل عملوا على ضبط وتسليم السلاح خارج المخيمات تنفيذا لمقررات مؤتمر الحوار الوطني حفاظا على هيبة الدولة اللبنانية؟ وهل نالوا اذنا من الجهات المختصة لاقامة مناوراتهم العسكرية في قوسايا وغيرها؟
هل المطلوب دائما من لبنان ان يتنازل وان يتحمل، ثم يأتي من يحمله المسؤولية، ويتهم حكومته ومواطنيه بالعنصرية؟ في كل دول العالم يعامل الفلسطيني كأي مواطن آخر لانه يشبه الآخرين، لكنه في لبنان متفوق عليهم، لانه فوق القانون.
فكفى، وألف كفى، بيانات وخطابات رنانة ومقابلات تلفزيونية لتنظيمات وجمعيات وهمية، او هي في الحد الاقصى تمثل مئة شخص لا اكثر، فيما الاكثرية فالتة من قبضتها ومن قبضة العدالة، وكفى تجريحا بلبنان، وتدميرا لكيانه وهويته. واما المزايدات الاعلامية التي يطلقها لبنانيون فلا تعدو كونها مزايدات كما يدل اسمها، وهي غالبا ما تكون احراجا للآخرين تسديدا لاثمان او لفواتير مسبوقة الدفع لم تعد تنطلي على احد بعدما ذاب الثلج.
واخيرا ما دامت السلطة الفلسطينية قائمة حتى تاريخه، فلماذا لا تصدر جوازات سفر رسمية لكل الفلسطينيين على ارض لبنان فيتم احصاؤهم والتعرف على هوياتهم، ثم ينالون اذون عمل وحقوقا كأي مواطن عربي آخر.
هل يجرؤون على هذا الطرح؟ او بالاحرى هل يتفقون على المطلب؟ وهل تلبي السلطة؟ بالتأكيد لا، واذا كانت النتيجة محسومة سلفا فهل يظل "الحق على لبنان"؟

Unknown said...

I have read the article in the Guardian that she is referencing. No modern civilized society should ever tolerate the outright discrimination that was exhibited towards the write. But to hear a representative of the Lebanese people speak in even more bigoted terms is a sign of the levels that we have sunk to in Lebanon. I expect Nayla Tueini to defend the treatment of the Somali/ sri Lankans/... next.


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